706 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of Language Learning in Universities in the Post Covid-19

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    Background: After the Covid-19 pandemic forced educational institutions to change learning methods and techniques, especially at universities in Indonesia, because face-to-face meetings have been carried out in stages. This research generally aims to describe the Reconstruction of Indonesian Language Learning in Post-Covid-19 Universities. Methodology: This study uses the literature review method, searching and researching literature by reading various books, journals, and other publications. Findings: The findings of this study include post-covid-19 brings good benefits in terms of online-based learning, which is undoubtedly one of the demands of digitalization of education today. The strategy that can be used in reconstructing Indonesian learning after COVID-19 is to use the Blended Learning method, namely by a combination of learning models carried out in online and offline contexts; Supporting factors that exist in reconstructing Indonesian language learning in universities after the covid-19 pandemic include: students are accustomed and trained in online learning which is nothing but the demands of the era of digitalization of education at this time; besides that it can also trigger the acceleration of transformation for the world of education in Indonesia; the emergence of online learning applications as a learning reference that supports students; the spread of free online courses and the emergence of unlimited creativity; By studying online at home, students can at least apply it to their home environment. Conclusion: The obstacle in reconstructing Indonesian language learning at universities in the context of digitizing education at this time is the limited facilities and infrastructure in the form of internet quotas, internet signals or networks, wifi, facilities and infrastructure, response, and technology.  Moreover, maximizing the blended learning method is the right strategy for overcoming the Various Obstacles in Reconstructing Indonesian Language Learning in Post-Covid-19 Universities


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    Abstrak Abstrak: Sekolah sebagai salah satu institusi pendidikan menjadikan sekolah yang bermutu agar meningkatkan minat siswa memilih sekolah tersebut yang tentunya diimbangi pemasaran sekolah yang baik juga. Terdapat salah satu sekolah dasar di Surabaya yang memiliki siswa banyak, yaitu mencapai 400 siswa. SD Raden Fatah adalah sekolah berstatus swasta namun memiliki peminat yang banyak, hal ini bisa dikarenakan mutu dan sekolah yang baik atau pemasaran sekolah yang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara mutu sekolah dan pemasaran sekolah dengan minat siswa memilih pendidikan di SD Raden Fatah Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah wali murid kelas I – IV dan tenaga pendidik serta kependidikan di SD Raden Fatah Surabaya sebanyak 104 orang. Penelitian ini menunjukkan kuatnya hubungan mutu sekolah dan pemasaran sekolah dengan minat siswa memilih pendidikan di SD Raden Fatah Surabaya sebesar 41,3% sedangkan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis korelasi sederhana dan ganda dengan  product moment. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data product moment hubungan yang kuat pada variabel minat siswa memilih pendidikan memperoleh nilai signifikan 0,000 < 0,005, dengan demikian H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima, maka artinya terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara mutu sekolah dan pemasaran sekolah dengan minat siswa memilih pendidikan. Kata kunci: mutu sekolah, pemasaran sekolah, minat siswa.   RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN QUALITY OF SCHOOL AND MARKETING OF SCHOOL WITH STUDENT INTERESTS CHOOSE EDUCATION IN SD RADEN FATAH SURABAYA   Mohammad Ilyas Jurusan Manajemen Pendidikan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Surabaya [email protected] Nunuk Hariyati Jurusan Manajemen Pendidikan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Surabaya [email protected]    Abstract Abstract : School as one of educational institution that creates quality of school to increase students’ interest in choosing school that also balanced by good marketing of school. There is an elementary school in Surabaya that has many students, there are 400 students. SD Raden Fatah Surabaya is a private school but has many devotees, it caused by good quality school or good marketing of school. The purposes of this study was to determine the relationship between the quality of school and school marketing with student interest in choosing an education at SD Raden Fatah Surabaya. This research used quantitative approach with kind of research was descriptive research. The sample in this study were the guardian of students in I - IV grade and the educator also staff at SD Raden Fatah Surabaya that consist of 104 people. This study showed the strength of relationship of school quality and marketing of school with interest of student choosing education at SD Raden Fatah Surabaya with amount 41,3% while the residue is influenced by another factor. The data analysis technique used simple analysis of regression and double correlation with product moment. Based on the result of product moment in data analysis, the strong relation on variable of students’ interest in choosing education has significant values in number 0.000 <0,005, this H0 rejected and Ha accepted, that means there is significant relation between school quality and marketing of school with student interest choosing education. Key word: school quality, school marketing, student interest

    Character Building in Language Teaching: An Analysis of the Learning Activities

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    This study was aimed to describe how implement character building in language teaching (Indonesia and English) at Junior High School. An examination of relevant documents, in addition to observations and interviews, was used to compile the data. According to the findings of this research, the six different lesson plans that were analyzed contained a total of 12 different character values. The character values were reinforced upon by two different teachers throughout the various learning activities, and they were mentioned in a special sub-title as well. Based on the findings, it appears that only teacher A taught the character qualities by directly stating them to the students. The lessons on values were typically integrated into the activities that were being done by the other two teachers

    Stratospheric ozone measurements at the equator

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    A balloon-borne project for ozone layer measurements was undertaken using the MAST ozone sondes and ASTOR radiosondes. Previously published data on this series (Ilyas, 1984) was recently re-analyzed using a rigorous technique to evaluate correction factors (ranging between 1.2 to 1.4). The revised data presented here, show that at the tropospheric and lower stratospheric levels, the ozone concentrations at the equator are much lower than the mid-latitude concentrations. The layer of peak concentration is found to be shifted upward compared to the mid-latitude profile and above this the two profiles get closer

    Tropospheric ozone measurements at the equatorial region (1980-1988)

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    Results from surface ozone measurements at Penang (5.5 deg N, 100 deg E) over 1980-88 period are presented. The study indicates the ozone concentrations undergoing significant diurnal and seasonal variations. The peak concentration are observed at around mid-day (up to 35 nb) but the O3 concentration generally drops to zero level in the early evening and remains unchanged until mid-morning. Monthly-averaged daily 1-h average concentrations are generally small (4-13 nb) and decrease continually from the early part of the year to the end. Frequently, varying local weather conditions seem to influence the O3 concentrations

    Post-conflict reconstruction: Impediments and challenges in the process of sustainable reconstruction and development in post-2014 Afghanistan

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    Armed conflicts have left numerous marks on the history of mankind and still continue to do so. They have resulted in considerable damage to the social and physical fabric of the society. Millions of people both in the past and present have been suffering from the consequences of this unfortunate man-made disaster. Yet we see a continuing trend that seems to be resistant to any change despite efforts on a global level. This study sets out to understand the nature of reconstruction and development after armed conflicts with a focus on Afghanistan. After more than a decade of expended efforts, billions of dollars and sacrificed lives, desired results and set objectives have not been achieved by the international community and the Afghan government. This process of rebuilding Afghanistan seems to be a non-integrated effort on the part of the international community and the Afghan government, which has resulted in a process of development and reconstruction that is unsustainable, especially after the withdrawal of the international forces in 2014. The aim of this study is to identify and understand the nature and complexity of the challenges and impediments in this process. It attempts to catalog and discuss the problems and obstacles in this process of reconstruction & development by establishing a conceptual framework of the main issues


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    Abstrak Pada kehidupan sehari-hari smartphone telah digunakan untuk menunjang berbagai aktivitas. Dalam pembelajaran di sekolah-sekolah terdapat pro dan kontra tentang pemakaian smartphone pada pembelajaran. Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan (PJOK), guru tidak dianjurkan mengajar dengan monoton, dan smartphone digunakan sebagai media dalam pembelajaran. Apakah ada hubungannya antara pemakaian smartphone dengan aktivitas olahraga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dan seberapa besar hubungan pemakaian gawai (gadget) dengan aktivitas olahraga studi pada siswa SMA Negeri 1 Kota Mojokerto. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain korelasional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa SMA Negeri 1 Kota Mojokerto dengan menggunakan 31 sampel dengan metode claster random sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket. Analisis yang digunakan adalah uji deskriptif, uji asumsi dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara pemakaian gawai dengan aktivitas olahraga. Hal ini dibuktikan setelah data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket gawai dan aktivitas olahraga kemudian diuji hipotesis menggunakan korelasi product moment dan mendapatkan nilai 0,055 yang lebih besar dari 0,05. Kata Kunci: smartphone, aktivitas olahraga Abstract In daily life, smartphones have been used to support various activities. In schools, there are pros and cons about the using of smartphones in learning. In physical education learning, teachers are not recommended to teach monotonously. Furthermore, there are some question about it such as how smartphones should be used in physical education learning, is there any connection between of the use of devices with study sports activities. This study aims to determine the relationship and how much the relationship of the use of devices in sports activities. This study uses quantitative research methods with correlational design. The samples of this study were 31 Senior High School 1 Mojokerto students with claster random sampling method. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The analysis used is descriptive test, assumption test and hypothesis test. The results showed that there was no relationship between the utilization of devices and sports activities. This is evidenced after the data is collected using a device questionnaire and sports activities and then tested the hypothesis using product moment correlation and get a value of 0.055 which is greater than 0.05. Keywords: smartphone, sports activitie

    Makna larangan ber-muwalah dengan non-muslim dalam Al-Qur’an : pendekatan double movement

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    Praktik ber-muwalah dengan non-muslim hingga saat ini masih menjadi persoalan yang sensitif. Hal ini berangkat dari pemahaman yang berbeda terhadap beberapa ayat yang secara eksplisit menyatakan larangan ber-muwalah dengan selain orang-orang mukmin. Secara literal, ayat-ayat tersebut bermakna suatu perintah bahwa umat muslim dilarang untuk menjalin suatu hubungan dengan umat beragama lain (non-muslim). Pemahaman literal dari ayat-ayat tersebut berpengaruh terhadap keberlangsungan hubungan muslim dengan non-muslim khususnya di Indonesia yang kental dengan kemajemukannya. Oleh karena itu, agar ayat-ayat tentang larangan-larangan memperwalikan non-muslim dapat dipahami secara proporsional dan relevan dalam konteks sekarang, maka akan dilakukan upaya rekontruksi penafsiran ayat-ayat tersebut melalui pendekatan hermeneutika Fazlur Rahman yang dikenal dengan Double Movement. Jenis penelitian ini ialah library research dengan penyajian data secara kualitatif deskriptif dengan rumusan masalah : 1) Apa yang melatarbelakangi pelarangan ber-muwalah dengan non-muslim dalam al-Qur’an? 2) Bagaimana makna larangan ber-muwalah dengan non-muslim dalam al-Qur’an?. Maksud ber-muwalah dengan non-muslim dalam beberapa ayat Al Qur’an ialah interaksi yang dijalin begitu dekat sehingga melebihi kedekatan dengan kerabat. Dimasa lampau, larangan ini diberlakukan terhadap umat muslim agar tidak ber-muwalah dengan Yahudi yang memiliki sifat munafik dan suka merusuh umat Islam. Sementara itu, interaksi dengan Yahudi yang berperilaku baik kepada umat muslim tetap berlangsung baik. Adapun ideal moral yang menjadi pesan pokok dari ayat-ayat tersebut ialah perlunya mengamalkan prinsip dalam berinteraksi dengan : 1) Bersikap hati-hati saat hendak menjalin interaksi dengan orang lain; 2) Tidak menaruh sifat dendam dan benci terhadap orang lain; (3) Menjauhi sifat Munafik; (4) Menumbuhkan kasih dan sayang antar manusia; (5) Senantiasa berlaku sabar atas terhadap musibah dan bertaqwa atas Allah


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    ABSTRAK Perusahaan pada hakikatnya dibentuk untuk mencari keuntungan dan atau laba yang sebesar-besarnya, namun dalam aktivitasnya tersebut tidak dapat dihindari pula terjadinya kerugian pada perusahaan sehingga demi menjaga stabilitas perekonomian perusahaannya, pengusaha melakukan kegiatan pengambilalihan, maupun penutupan perusahaan. Adapun beberapa hal yang menjadi rumusan-rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana perlindungan hukum terhadap buruh / pekerja ketika terjadi Perselisihan Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) akibat pengambilalihan maupun penutupan perusahaan? dan bagaimana permasalahan dan model Penyelesaian Perselisihan Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja antara pekerja dan pengusaha akibat tindakan pengambilalihan maupun penutupan perusahaan?. Ada dua bentuk perlundungan hukum terhadap buruh / pekerja ketika terjadi Perselisihan Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) akibat pengambilalihan maupun penutupan perusahaan, yaitu perlindungan hukum bagi pekerja / buruh atas pengusaha yang tidak bersedia melanjutkan hubungan kerja dan perlindungan hukum bagi pekerja / buruh yang tidak bersedia melanjutkan hubungan kerja. Upaya hukum yang dapat ditempuh pekerja untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan pemutusan hubungan kerja tersebut dapat melalui jalur Penyelesaian Perselisihan Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja di luar  Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial (non litigasi) ini dapat dilakukan dengan penyelesaian melalui bipartit, konsiliasi Arbitrase, mediasi. Dan Penyelesaian Perselisihan Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja melalui Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial.ABSTRACTThe company is essentially formed to seek benefit and/or profits as much as possible, but in its activities, it cannot be avoided also the loss of the company so that in order to maintain the stability of the company's economy, entrepreneurs make takeover activities, as well as the closure of the company. As for some matters, the formulation of the problem is how to protect the law against the workers/labors when there is a Dispute Termination of Employment (PHK) due to the takeover or closure of the company? And how are the problems and models of the Settlement of Employment Dispute Settlements between workers and employers due to takeover or closure of the company? There are two forms of legal protection to the worker/labor in the Employment Termination (PHK) resulting from the takeover or closure of the company, namely legal protection for workers/laborers against the employer who are unwilling to continue employment and legal protection for workers who are unwilling to continue work relationship. Legal remedies by which the employee may resolve the termination disputes may pass through the Termination Dispute Settlement outside the Industrial Relations Court (non litigation) may be made by settlement through bipartite, arbitration conciliation, mediation. And Termination Dispute Settlement is through Industrial Relations Court
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